jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016
3rd term
I have been helping my classmates Miren, Jonan and Olatz. Miren and Jonan asked me to translate their part and I search some links for Olatz.
martes, 3 de mayo de 2016
My part was doing a power point about different faces of the climate change. I did a power point of twenty slides in which I explained what it is, how it is caused and different measures countries are taking to avoid bigger problems caused by global warming.
First, I search different pages on the internet to find general information about this theme. Then, I look for coferences governments have done to solve the problem, for example COP21, Rio declaration and Kyoto protocol. After that, I look for some types normal people can follow to reduce their diary pollution. Finally I put all the information I found in a power point and three of my classmates presented in front of third DBH students.
Olatz helped me translating the power point to spanish and Nerea and Uxue did a pecha cucha, another power point without text to present in front of people.
Nire lana power point bat egitea zen aldaketa klimatikoaren inguruko gai desberdinak azalduz. Hogei diapositibako power point bat egin nuen, non zer den, zerk eragiten duen, eta saihesteko hartzen ari diren neurriak azaltzen ditudan.
Lehenik eta behin, interneten klima aldaketaren inguruko informazio orokorra bilatu nuen. Ondoren arazoa konpontzen saiatzeko egin diren konferentziei buruzko informazioa bilatu nuen, adibidez COP21 eta Kyoto eta Rioko konferentziak. Gero, jendeak etxean gutxiago kutxatu ahal izateko jarraitu ditzakeen aholku batzuk aurkitu nituen eta azkenik, lortutako informazioa power point batean bildu nuen. Behin power pointa amaiturik, hiru klaseko kidek hirugarren DBHko ikasleen aurrean aurkeztu zuten power pointa.
Olatzek aurkezpena gaztelerara itzultzen lagundu zidan eta Nerea eta Uxuek petxa kutxa bat egin zuten, hau testurik gabeko aurkezpena jendearen aurrean aurkezteko.
First, I search different pages on the internet to find general information about this theme. Then, I look for coferences governments have done to solve the problem, for example COP21, Rio declaration and Kyoto protocol. After that, I look for some types normal people can follow to reduce their diary pollution. Finally I put all the information I found in a power point and three of my classmates presented in front of third DBH students.
Olatz helped me translating the power point to spanish and Nerea and Uxue did a pecha cucha, another power point without text to present in front of people.
Nire lana power point bat egitea zen aldaketa klimatikoaren inguruko gai desberdinak azalduz. Hogei diapositibako power point bat egin nuen, non zer den, zerk eragiten duen, eta saihesteko hartzen ari diren neurriak azaltzen ditudan.
Lehenik eta behin, interneten klima aldaketaren inguruko informazio orokorra bilatu nuen. Ondoren arazoa konpontzen saiatzeko egin diren konferentziei buruzko informazioa bilatu nuen, adibidez COP21 eta Kyoto eta Rioko konferentziak. Gero, jendeak etxean gutxiago kutxatu ahal izateko jarraitu ditzakeen aholku batzuk aurkitu nituen eta azkenik, lortutako informazioa power point batean bildu nuen. Behin power pointa amaiturik, hiru klaseko kidek hirugarren DBHko ikasleen aurrean aurkeztu zuten power pointa.
Olatzek aurkezpena gaztelerara itzultzen lagundu zidan eta Nerea eta Uxuek petxa kutxa bat egin zuten, hau testurik gabeko aurkezpena jendearen aurrean aurkezteko.
lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016
viernes, 29 de abril de 2016
my part
Here you can see my part for the contest:
Hemen lehiaketarako nire zatia ikusi dezakezue:
Aquí podéis ver mi parte para el concurso:
Here you can see the pecha cucha:
Hemen lehiaketarako nire zatia ikusi dezakezue:
Aquí podéis ver mi parte para el concurso:
Here you can see the pecha cucha:
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016
Global warming
Global Warming is the increase of Earth's surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.
>You can find information about Cop 21 in these links:
>General information about european global warming:
the second term, we have improved doing presentations and working in
small groups of four people. We have learnt a lot about different medical issues as you can see on our web. We have also learnt about genetics and how to mantain a healthy lifestyle.
jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016
Stop war
A war is an armed conflict between societies that it only causes dentruction and suffering. It is a cycle, one war leads to another war, and we can't avoid it. The only way to avoid it, would be to die out or maybe in the future changing the mentality of all the society.
Who want power invest money to prepare an army and weapons, but when some people are becoming powerful, others are becoming poorer and planet suffers their ambition. War doesn't affect only in humans, it destroys also the environment and living beings.
jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016
In these photos we can see how migration affect humans in different ways, they can loose their family, their house, or their lifes. Everyday, thousand of people emigrate risking their lifes, trying to survive and to avoid war.
jueves, 14 de enero de 2016
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